Title: Tunic
Developer: Andrew Shouldice
Publisher: Finji
Genre: Action-Adventure, Indie
Official Site: Tunic
Release Date: TBA
RTX Austin 2018 had fans of Rooster Teeth flocking from all over the world to the internet mogul’s hometown of Austin, Texas. Of the talented creators, amazing cosplay, and Rooster Teeth personalities, it’s almost impossible to pick only one bright spot of the convention’s weekend. However, Finji’s small preview for the independently developed Tunic might just take the cake.
I only had about 15 minutes with the game, but it was more than enough time to fall in love with what Shouldice has so wonderfully crafted. If you’re looking for something to scratch that Legend of Zelda itch, you just love adorable foxes, or you’re a little bit of both (like me!), then Tunic is definitely something you’ll want to keep on your radar. As if it wasn’t already. From the gameplay to the visuals, this foxy adventure game shines with its own unique aura that can’t help but put a smile on your face. I absolutely loved the way the game looked with its sunny forest setting and pops of bright color. The forest looked so good that I’m eager to see what other environments will make an appearance.
While the actual gameplay and combat might take a moment to get used to, it feels pretty good in the end. Throughout my own playthrough, I was able to pick up a stick, a sword, and a shield – so explore, explore, explore! It is definitely fun to play while maintaining just enough of a challenge to keep you totally attuned to your surroundings.
I had high hopes for Tunic after first seeing it at E3, but now I’m even more excited to check out the full release! However, we aren’t entirely sure when that full release will be.