Cyberpunk 2077 has some of the most iconic and memorable characters we’ve seen in the past couple of years. Even if we exclude main characters like V or Johnny Silverhand, the writers have put a lot of effort into creating characters we would understand. Yet, Mr. Blue Eyes is quite opposed. He is a mysterious figure, and you won’t know him by just following the main story. So here is a thorough article on who exactly is Mr. Blue Eyes.
Mr. Blue Eyes, The Mysterious Figure of Night City

The very first time you might hear about Mr. Blue Eyes in Cyberpunk 2077 is in the Paralez side quest, Dream On. In this amazing adventure, you will come across a shady organization that isn’t known truly to the world. You will eventually get a call to tell you no matter the effort, you won’t change a thing. While Mr. Blue Eyes didn’t call V, he was observing V having a conversation with Jefferson Peralez on the balcony from the building in front of it.
So who is Mr. Blue Eyes in Cyberpunk 2077? Well, no one truly knows. He is the ultimate mystery man that no one, even some of the most informative people inside Night City know anything about. What makes him even more mysterious or creepy in some ways is that he is present in some of the most important parts of the game. It’s just that gamers don’t usually notice him.
Mr. Blue Eyes surveyed V during the Arasaka Tower heist from the get-go. He even used it as an opportunity to steal information from the chaos for himself. In Phantom Liberty, when you are helping Songbird, she will mention a proxy helped her get this flight scheduled. A man in a suit, with dark hair, and blue eyes. Even if you look closely during the quest, he can be spotted at Spaceport. Players will eventually meet Mr. Blue Eyes in the Afterlife to get V’s final gig.
What Other Characters Think of Mr. Blue Eyes in Cyberpunk 2077?

V’s favorite ripperdoc, Viktor Vektor is a man of knowledge. He knows almost everything or has connections to find somebody who does. If you ask him about Mr. Blue Eyes, he will just state that no one knows who he actually is. The other character you can ask about him is Garry the Prophet who mostly talks about conspiracy theories. He suggests that “Blue-Eyed People” live in space and come down on Earth to control political factions.
To add the final spice of weirdness to this character, you cannot harm nor interact with him. Empty a shotgun, or SMG, or attack with a katana, he won’t even flinch. There is also a little detail that Jefferson Peralez, Garry the Prophet, and Mr. Blue Eyes wear the same Jinguji ring. Except Mr. B’s ring is gold.
To summarize everything discussed about Mr. Blue Eyes:
- There is no solid answer to who or what Mr. Blue Eyes is.
- Gary the Prophet suggests he is a member of Blue Eyed People living outside Earth.
- He could be an AI controlling the body, but there is no solid proof.
- There is a good chance Mr. Blue Eyes will return with more details in the next Cyberpunk game.
Phantom Liberty Is Great News for Project Orion
We also recommend watching D Blackhand’s video on a great compilation of Mr. Blue Eyes and all appearances in the base game and Phantom Liberty.
So is Mr. Blue Eyes the God? Is he the Devil? Or is he just part of a secret organization that truly runs the world? Or is he just a powerful AI using a body? No one knows, and that’s what makes him so charming and unique among the characters of Cyberpunk 2077.
There is a good chance we get to know him more in the sequel of Cyberpunk 2077, Project Orion.