Square Enix really wants you to pre-order Just Cause 3. Actually, Square wants you to put money down for JC3 so badly, they are promising an island to the lucky player who racks up the most in game points with their day 1 pre-order edition.That part is critical, you need to pre-order their game in order to be eligible for this island giveaway. It all seems so simple when you read the JC3 website, ” After 90 days* if you’re on top of the Chaos Points leader board, the island is yours!”.
Wait, what is that asterisk doing on my island fantasy!?
Entrant will be instructed to follow the on-screen instructions on the Promotion Site to complete the official SQEX account registration and set up a profile (with a SQUARE ENIX account ID) for participation in the game. All entrants must provide a PlayStation Network or
XBOX Live account to participate.
So I need an online account and it needs to be in my name. Seems simple so far.
Once registered, an entrant will be required to demonstrate their skill by achieving the highest number of “Chaos Points” in Just Cause 3.
Demonstrating skill is a requirement? Hopefully my “Chaos Point” acquisition skills are up to snuff.
One (1) Grand Prize Winner will win ownership rights to an Island, valued at up to $50,000 USD or $50,000 USD in cash. Location of Island to be determined by Sponsor. All taxes and fees associated with purchasing and obtaining of Island (including but not limited to attorney’s fees, escrow, and closing costs) are the responsibility of the Winner. Sponsor does not guarantee the Island to be inhabitable, developed or reachable by any means other than a boat.
Sponsor reserves the right to change and/or substitute any components of the Grand Prize at any time, in its sole discretion.
Once you’ve spent a good portion of your daily life chasing down chaos points and proven you skill, you can know own an island valued up to $50,000 dollars. It might even be habitable! When you win, the sponsor could still yank the island from beneath your sand covered toes, leaving you to fight off killer hermit crabs. Ahh, the finer print in life.
Canada, always wanting to ruin the fun “For Canada: As a condition of winning a prize, the winner must correctly answer the following skill testing question: (3×6) + 12/2-8 =”
Although there are stipulations regarding your newly won island fantasy, it’s still a pretty cool way to entice players to pre-order your game. Hopefully the island hype can be matched by the quality of the final game.
Let us know in the comments below what you would do with a private island.