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Elden Ring is an immense world, and it’s no surprise the map for The Lands Between can get a bit confusing. More so if you have yet to unlock everything. So, if you find yourself lost following a questline, looking for a dungeon, or searching for a particular item, you probably need to discover the location of an Elden Ring Map Fragment. You can find these fragments around steles in each region, but note that this search can take you from the beginning to around the endgame.
Limgrave Map Fragment Locations in Elden Ring

In Limgrave, you can discover two Map Fragments:
- West Limgrave
- East Limgrave
In West Limgrave, head to the center of the Gatehouse Ruins camp. You’ll find the Elden Ring Map Fragment location off the body next to the stele pillar. As for East Limgrave, merely travel south of the Third Church of Marika. Go through Mistwood to find the pillar off the side of the road.
Weeping Peninsula Map Fragment Location

You can snag this Map Fragment after you get the ones in Limgrave. From East Limgrave, travel south and over the Bridge of Sacrifice. Just follow the road. You know you’re in the right direction once you see the broken carriage. Continue on the path through the broken wall to see the stele out in the open.
Caelid Elden Ring Map Fragment Location

This Map Fragment location is located at a fork on the road in Elden Ring. To reach it, start at the Rotview Balcony Site of Grace and travel east. You’ll eventually go south beyond Caelem Ruins until you reach the Caelid Waypoint ruins. The Map Fragment is near the pillar beyond the dragon.
Dragonbarrow Map Fragment Location

We can start at the Rotview Balcony Site of Grace again for this Map Fragment. Travel past the ruined caravan to the east until you can cross the ravine. You’ll soon pass the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace, and that road leads to the pillar.

This region features three Map Fragment locations in Elden Ring:
- East Liurnia
- North Liurnia
- West Liurnia
You can travel to the area after beating Godrick the Grafted at Stormveil Castle. Once you can reach the Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace, follow the lantern-lit road until you find the East Map Fragment pillar to your right, as well as a host of enemies. For the North fragment, go northwest from that same Site of Grace until you find the Academy Gate Town Site of Grace, where the pillar is located.
Finally, the West Map Fragment is further away. Take the road north to travel through West Liurnia, where you’ll find the fragment. The area is slightly past the Northern Liurnia Lake Shore Site of Grace.
Altus Plateau and Leyndell, Royal Capital Map Fragment Location

After using the Dectus Medallion to enter the region, go toward the city walls, making a left at the fork in the road. The stele for the Altus Plateau is off to the left side.
For the Royal Capital fragment, if you’ve moved beyond the Tree Sentinels after entering the city via the stairway, you should find a Site of Grace. The Elden Ring Map Fragment is to the side of this area.
Mt. Gelmir Elden Ring Map Fragment Location

Once you reach the dead-end on the main road, look left to take the ladder up the wall. Head far west until you find a pumpkin head, and from here, jump to the next cliff. You’ll climb until you get to the top with a soldier camp and travel left until you reach a Site of Grace. Jump the crater, keep west, and descend the gap that will lead you to the pillar.
Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment Locations

To access the area, be sure you have the Rold Medallion from Morgott, the Omen King, and both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion. When you do, search these areas:
- West
- East
- Consecrated Snowfield
In the West, stick to the track by the Grand Lift of Rold and you’ll see the Elden Ring Map Fragment location to the right. For the East side, move south from the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace until you go through the fort and find the Giants’ Gravepost Site of Grace. The stele is nearby.
Lastly is the Consecrated Snowfield. Once you emerge in the area, keep to the road and go through the storm. When you exit the storm, you’ll see the stele pillar by the frozen river.
Siofra River and Mohgwyn Palace Map Fragment Location

If you take the Siofra River Well into the underground, follow the path to the lift. Keep going toward the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace, and if you go east, you can loot the body near the steps of the Hallowhorn Grounds for the Map Fragment.
For the Mohgwyn Palace, if you’re completing the Varre quest, you can warp directly to the body holding the fragment. Otherwise, travel down the right hill from the Palace Approach Grace. Run through the watered area on the left and through the ruins until you find the dead body up the stairs.
Deeproot Depths Elden Ring Map Fragment Location

Go northeast from the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace. The fragment is on the body inside the gazebo.
Ainsel River and Lake of Rot Map Fragment Location

Go through the tunnel from the Ainsel River Main Grace, and you’ll soon see an area with statues. Take the right path toward the next Grace site and keep right until you find a door leading to a lift. When you reach the bottom of the lift, go towards the building and the open area. Get to the room under the star beast to find the Map Fragment on a body by the merchant.
For the Lake of Rot, Ranni’s quest should lead you here. The Map Fragment is easy to find as it’s on a body near the shore by the zone’s entrance.