In Baldurs Gate 3, you will encounter a ton of hidden puzzles and dangerous secrets. You reach the Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle towards the end of Act 2. You’ll find this puzzle in the Illithid Colony under the Moonrise Tower. When you land in the Illithid Colony, you will encounter Death Shepherd, and many Zombies. After killing these enemies, you will find Baldurs Gate 3 Brain Puzzle.
How To Complete Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle in Baldurs Gate 3

To solve the Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle in Baldurs Gate 3, you must guide the Emotion, Memory, Reason, and Speech parts of the brain to their destinations. You need to follow no order or rule to complete this puzzle, but we recommend starting with Reason so that you can easily follow the guide.
Reason: Let’s start with the easiest part. First, select the Reason Node, connect it with the node on the top right, and then follow the path from the top to Reason.

Memory: Select Memory and connect it to the node just below it, then connect it to the node in the middle. After that, connect it with the two nodes above, and finally connect it to the Memory section to complete the Baldurs Gate 3 Necrotic Laboratory Memory section.

Emotion: Now it’s time to connect Emotion to its necessary place. Click on the Emotion section and connect it to the node just below it. Then you will see that there is only one node available to connect on the left, connect to it. After that, connect twice to the node on the right and you will reach the Emotion section.

Speech: The last part you need to connect to finish the Baldurs Gate 3 Necrotic Laboratory Puzzle is the Speech part. Select Speech and connect it to the top node, the only node it can connect to. Then connect to the node in the opposite corner and follow the path.

After completing the Necrotic Laboratory Brain Puzzle, you’ll find Circlet of Mental Anguish, Braindrain Gloves, and Blade of Oppressed Souls behind the door. If you have someone on your team who uses Illithid Powers, Braindrain Gloves will be extremely useful for your team. In addition, Blade of Oppressed Souls will drive your enemy insane for 3 turns.
Baldurs Gate 3: How To Complete Investigate Kagha Quest in BG3
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC and PlayStation 5.