Starfield has a wide variety of resources that you can find on different planets including Lithium and even Argon. Besides being able to find them naturally across the starfield, you’re also able to buy them from different vendors. In the case of gold, you’re able to do both since it’s a pretty easy commodity to come by. Considering that, we have outlined the best planets to farm for Gold in Starfield.
Where To Get Gold In Starfield

There are exactly 56 planets and moons that have gold on them for the taking. We’ve outlined the ones that are available in the earlier parts of the game so that you can have the best chance at finding them for yourself.
- Cruth
- Narion system
- Stellis A
- Cheyenne system
- Kalira
- Cheyenne system
- Pirrima V-b
- Porrima system
- Porrima V-c
- Porrima system
- Charybdis IV
- Charybdis system
- Charybdis V
- Charybdis system
Even after visiting these planets and systems, if you’re still not having any luck, then chances are that you’re going to have to buy gold from a vendor. It’s a lot easier and can get the job done if you need to craft something that is just taking too long to get to because of your lack of gold.
Where To Buy Gold In Starfield
You can get the gold that you’re looking for from different vendors across the universe. We have compiled a list of all of the places where you can find gold, but it is important to know that the actual amount of gold they have, if they have any at all, will vary. You will need to visit these locations frequently if you want the best chance.
- Jemison Mercantile
- New Atlantis on Jemison
- Mining League
- Neon on Volii Alpha
- Midtown Minerals
- Akila City on Akila
Gold can be used to craft several things across the game. That means that you’ll be able to make weapons, armor, consumables, structures, and so much more. It’s a pretty easy resource to get your hands on, but you’ll still want to make sure that you have a few nuggets on your person before you start crafting anything. Hopefully, you got everything that you needed out of this guide with respect to what are the best planets for farming gold in Starfield.
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Starfield is now available on PC and