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For the longest time, Guardians have been unable to access the Zero Hour Exotic mission in Destiny 2. While it’s been four years since the mission has been accessible to us, the Into the Light free update brought the possibility of it coming back, but with some key changes. If you thought you knew how to run Zero Hour flawlessly before, you’ll return to quite a surprise this time around. The devs at Bungie have adjusted the way the mission works with loads of secrets that we’re here to help you decipher. Let’s take a look at how to complete the Zero Hour exotic mission in Destiny 2.
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Destiny 2: How To Begin the Zero Hour Exotic Mission

You’ll be able to begin the Zero Hour Exotic mission from the Into the Light node in your Destination tab after you’ve complete the Asset Protection quest from Ada-1 in the Tower. Head out to Destinations, locate Into the Light, and then select the Difficulty of Zero Hour that you would like to complete. Choose to begin the mission, and you’re good to go.
How To Beat the Zero Hour Mission

In the first portion of the Zero Hour mission, you’ll need to make your way down the street and through a vent just before the start of the large staircase. From there, you’ll enter the Tower North area of the mission. Here, you really just need to take out the enemies that spawn.

After the enemies are dealt with, head up the stairs and follow the path to the next main area, which happens to be in a wide open space with Resilient Tracer Shanks sniping from above. It’d a great idea to take out the Shanks first, since they can deal some pretty high damage to you. Take them out, along with the rest of the enemies, then make your way down along the outside of the area and across a bridge to make it to the next area.
Tower Hangar

The next area opens up into the Tower Hangar area littered with snipers, tanks, and Fallen enemies. Here, you should take out the Snipers first and the Tank last, then head into the next area.

As you continue on to the next area, you’ll come to a few ledges that you can jump down to different platforms, leading to the next area with more enemies to defeat until you have made it to a small vent hidden on the side of the building. Head through the vent and begin the platforming stage of the Zero Hour Exotic mission.
Covert Passage

From the entrance of the Passage room, You’ll need to jump down and climb under the ship to your left. From there, head through the vents to the right then drop down into a hallway that leads to a new room. Take the vent hidden behind a shelf, and take the first right to drop down to a platform below. Follow that corridor to the next shortcut that you’ll need to drop down to.

After that, you’ll need to jump across a chasm that has three doors on either side. Be sure to go through the last doorway on the right side. All of the others are traps.

You’ll need to jump up platforms to make it up to the top of the area, similar to how you had to jump up through the Green Room to get an Oracle in The Whisper. As you jump up, you’ll come across another vent that you need to crouch to enter that leads to a metal bridge. Walk out to the center of the bridge, then jump down onto the middle of the fan below.

From the top fan, you should be using the red cutouts in the wall to hop down to the fan below to make your way to the bottom. When you reach the bottom platform, you’ll need to hop through the vent again to make it out to the next platforming area. Make your way across the platforms to the other side of the room, then travel through the various vents ahead.

Next, you’ll need to make your way across a large chasm in order to make it to the next area. There are long ledges on each side of the walls that are rather narrow, but if you can make it to the other side, there’s a switch you can interact with that will pup up large platforms for your fireteam to use to get across.

The next area you come to will have four different switches that you need to interact with. Start by heading to the left side where two of the switches are and interact with them to ensure that you will have access to the switched on the right side. Head back through the middle, then hit the switches on the right side.

After all the switches are activated, you’ll have access to the doorway on the other side of the room, which opens into another platforming puzzle. Here, you can either jump up like you did back in the Passage room, or you can hop onto one of the elevators and wait for it to take you up.
Before you make it into the final room, you’ll need to pass one more puzzle. When you approach the room with a grid for a floor, start at the second block from the left. Move up two blocks, to the left three blocks, then up three more blocks. From there, move back to the right for two blocks, back one block, right two blocks, then all the way up to the other side. If you deviate from this pattern, you’ll be killed, and you’ll need to respawn and try again.
Boss Room

Once you make it into the boss room, there will be two bosses right away that you’ll need to fight, Mimiks-1, Devils Scion, and Siriks, of House Salvation. You might remember Siriks from before, but Mimiks in new. Mimiks can be taken out right away, but Siriks can only be taken down to the last portion of his health bar.

At that point, he’ll disappear, and two tanks will spawn. Once the tanks are defeated, Siriks will appear again, but this time in his “heavily armored” brig form. Defeating this final form of Siriks will complete the Zero Hour Exotic mission in Destiny 2.
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