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Rogue is one of the most prominent and forceful classes in Diablo 4. Having the ability to fight both close and long range, the Rogue outdoes itself in versatility. Aside from piercing enemies in seconds with their daggers, Rogues are also known for their bows. If you are a new Rogue player, you may be wondering how to use a bow in Diablo 4. Let’s break down when the Rogue can use the indispensable bow!
Using Bow on Rogue – Explained

To use the bow on Rogue in Diablo 4, you’ll need to reach level 2. You can start using the bow right away, as this won’t take much time. Once you get to level 2, you can activate your bow power by selecting either Forceful Arrow or Heartseeker skills. After you unlock your new skill, assign it to your skill bar. You can do this by pressing the middle mouse button on the skill and dragging it to the bar. Moreover, remember that you’ll need to equip a bow to use the skills.
As your level progresses in the game, you can unlock new bow skills on the Skill Tree. The build you make on Rogue is entirely up to you. You can use a wholly bow-oriented build or sprinkle a few melee skills. It depends on you and how you want to play the game.
Is Rogue Better at Close or Ranged?

The bow allows the Rogue to deal damage from range, destroying enemies away from combat. Although the bow alone is not perfectly strong, you can balance it with a flexible game style by switching between close and ranged combat when playing the Rogue. Close combat will always be the most practical option, as the Rogue is renowned for its melee attacks.
However, ranged combat always allows you to be safer and kill enemies without giving them a chance. Rogue is one of the best classes that clears off opponents with melee attacks in Diablo 4, but with some of their ranged skills, they can slaughter quickly and ruthlessly.
Mastering the bow will thoroughly change the course of your game. Taking down opponents from afar is always advantageous and allows you to be mobile. That’s why a Rogue using a bow should never be taken lightly. So, we can say that both are pretty solid. It’s entirely down to your preference.
Hopefully, this guide has given you a complete overview of how to use a bow on Rogue in Diablo 4 and whether it’s worth it.
How To Repair Gear in Diablo 4
Diablo 4 is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,