Just as in the real world, the Sims have their achievements on an emotional level, in their career, and even in their hobbies. But there are other kinds of achievements, which may seem small, that were gigantic at the time and represented a huge challenge. For example, as children, writing a sentence correctly or throwing a ball with force was a big goal. In The Sims 4 in its Growing Together DLC, milestones were introduced according to each age group, like infants. This expansion pack focused on how everyone grows at their own pace.
Which Are All The Infant Milestones in The Sims 4?

These milestones focus on infants, the youngest group of children, as sims at this age are just beginning to interact with their environment. These milestones represent big events, and you can check them in the Sim’s info panel, where you can also see their traits and preferences. This is the list of all the milestones you can obtain:
- Infant Milestones
- Infants
- Born
- Born at a Hospital
- Adopted
- Learned to Reach
- Learned to Grab
- Put Toe in Mouth
- Learned to Wave
- Learned to Clap
- Learned Pincer Grasp
- Lifted Head
- Rolled Over to Back
- Rolled Over to Tummy
- Learned to Creep
- Learned to Sit Up
- Pulled to Stand
- Learned to Dance
- Learned to Crawl
- First Smiled
- Learned to Coo
- Learned to Laugh
- Learned to Babble
- Learned to Blow Raspberry
- Said First Word
- Learned to Blow Kiss
- Learned Peek-a-Boo
- First Visitors
- First Bath
- First Bubble Bath
- First Baby Food
- First Finger Food
- Slept Through the Night
- First Diaper Blowout
- First Family Visit
- First Trip to Park
- First Vacation
- Peed on Caregiver
Obtaining all of these achievements is optional; it doesn’t block other aspects of the game, and they need specific instructions. But if you want to get all the infant milestones in The Sims 4, it is recommended that players participate a lot with the Sim. Have the infant play with many objects, explore, and have other sims interact with the kid.